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Why ask affirmations as a question? Here are the benefits!

Updated: 1 day ago

By now you may have heard that affirmations can help you to retrain your thoughts as well as help to heal your body. But did you know that if you ask your affirmation as a question, it exponentially increases the speed in which your body responds and heals itself, as well as accelerates the process of reaching your goals, whether it is cognitively or physically. When I found out that I had Osteoporosis, I incorporated the question, why does the universe want me to have incredibly strong bones in my body? I asked every day for almost 2 years without fail. Along with my healing meditations, I reversed the disease in my bones and strengthened them enough to receive the downgrade to osteopenia from my scans 2 years later. After that, I was a believer in the power of affirmations and utilizing the power of thoughts to heal your body and change whatever you want in your life. When you ask yourself a question, your body subconsciously goes to work on trying to figure out the answer. You can create new neural pathways in your brain just by consistently asking yourself a question. For instance, when rewiring your thoughts to let go of fear and instill a stronger sense of courage, you may ask yourself why you are so courageous. The affirmation would be: Why am I so courageous, or why am I so confident? By stating your affirmations as a question, it reaffirms to your brain, body and your soul that you are in fact that which you are asking, and you are embodying that trait or behavior already. If you want to be or have more of something, then you must be it first. By self directing and embracing your way of thinking, you empower yourself and the process of being it.  Asking or stating affirmations as questions helps to speed up the process while training your mind to think that way first, then your body listens and responds by exemplifying the behavior. The following are some affirmations posed as questions. They can help foster a new mindset! Let me know how they work for you.


1. "Why am I so deserving of love and happiness?"

2. "Why am I so resilient and emotionally strong?"

3. "Why does the universe want me to achieve my dreams?"

4. "Why do I attract positivity and abundance into my life?"

5. "Why am I becoming a better version of myself every day?"

6. "Why do opportunities come my way so effortlessly?"

7. "Why am I capable of handling any challenge that comes my way?"

8. "Why do I effortlessly let go of things that do not serve me?"

9. "Why am I creating easy solutions to all obstacles on my path?"

10. "Why am I so confident and courageous?”


  1. "Why do I attract miracles into my life everyday?”

  2. " Why am I feeling so calm, centered, and grounded in my body?”

Bonus Tips:

*If you want to enhance your affirmation even more, try visualizing the outcome or the end desire as well, as it can accelerate your manifestation.

* Taking one small action step in the direction which you want to go reaffirms that you have the courage it takes and empowers you to move further towards whatever you desire.

Laura Anthony Schwartz

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Laura Anthony Schwartz, CLC
Founder of National Self Care Day
 Creator of The Power Technique​

Photos by Laura A Schwartz

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