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6 Rituals you can do during a full moon

Updated: Sep 21, 2022

If you are looking for a way to use the beautiful and free energy of a full moon you’ve come to the right place! The full moon is a time to release what is no longer serving you well anymore. Set the time aside for yourself, the universe and your guides will take notice that you are making time for you. I always have music playing that supports lunar healing 210.42 HZ, or a frequency that supports the release of negative energy, as well as a candle lit, during my rituals. Here are 6 ways you can take advantage of the full moon energy:

  1. Energetically cleanse your space. This is like having your house deep cleaned once a month! It’s not cleaning the physical things like mopping the floor, it’s about cleaning the non- physical energy that may be lingering from days ago. It’s moving the stagnant, lower vibrational energies out and making space for a more positive uplifting vibe! This can be done by smudging. Typically by burning Sage, Palo Santos, or spraying a smudging spray and setting your intention of clearing any unwanted energy that does not support your highest good.

  2. Release what no longer serves you. On a piece of paper, write down 3-5 things that you would like to release and want less of in your life. It can be anything from an emotion to a physical ailment. Always Write it down as if it’s already happened. An example would be… I have released any and all anxieties surrounding money. Or I have released any and all physical pain in my foot. Whatever it may be for you, the key is to write it and start sending out the vibrational energy to the universe that it has already happened! As you fold your paper away from you 3 times, say your gratitude to the moon, the universe and your angels or guides for supporting your successful release. Put the paper in a bowl, go outside, preferably under the full moon and light the corners of the paper. Intention is everything! As it begins to burn you want to fully and intentionally allow yourself to let go and believe that you are releasing this crap! If you believe and the universe trusts that you believe, your paper will burn very quickly and fully. If you don’t truly allow, believe and trust, the universe will also know this and your paper may struggle to even stay lit.

  3. Meditate. Find a quiet spot and just be. A short silent or guided meditation or mindfulness exercise just to center and balance yourself is great.

  4. Take a bath. Set the mood for a relaxing, releasing soak in the tub. Add some Himalayan salts and soothing essential oils to aid in the release of any energetic toxins you’ve been carrying around.

  5. Charge your crystals. This would be the time to charge and reboot any crystals that you have used or ones that have not been used in the past month. Place them on a selenite block and set out on the windowsill under the full moonlight.

  6. Make moon water. Put some reg water in a glass jar and set your intentions. I like to set the intention of the moon water to raise my vibration and heal anything in me that needs healing. Sometimes I like putting a crystal in my moon water. My go to crystal for this is Rose Quartz. Put a top on the jar if you are going to put it outside, I just set the jar on the windowsill that allows the moonlight to shine down on it the most. I usually make enough to last a few weeks.

Happy full moon release

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Laura Anthony Schwartz, CLC
Founder of National Self Care Day
 Creator of The Power Technique​

Photos by Laura A Schwartz

© 2021 by LS Coaching

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