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Trusting your intuition by letting go of expectation...

Updated: Sep 26, 2022

It doesn’t surprise me that the first blog that I’m writing is about intuition. I would like to explain first and foremost that everyone is born with a pretty clean slate of intuition. The word intuition is an umbrella term for many different ways of knowing, seeing, hearing, or feeling something that is not tangible. This is also why most people have a hard time trusting their intuition. You know when you’re thinking about someone and they literally text you a few minutes later and you are like ok that’s weird I was just thinking about them? The logical side of your brain says coincidence, but really that’s your intuition speaking to you. Another example is when you meet someone for the first time and you get a sense that you don’t trust them. The logical side of your brain kicks in and says you have no reason NOT to trust that person so just forget about it and move on. That first gut instinct was your intuition allowing you to feel some thing energetically about that person, but because you didn’t have proof or any real reason to think it, the logical side of your brain talked you out of listening to your first gut instinct. Or maybe You’ve done something based on what someone else wanted you to do but you knew in your gut that it wasn’t what you wanted to do. All of these scenarios are just different ways that our intuition speaks to us. It speaks to us energetically, when you know something just doesn’t feel right. But if you learn to trust it when it speaks to you, it will most likely keep you in alignment with the things that make you happy.

This first story that I’m going to share with you happened a few years ago. I was in Arizona and had met up with my daughter and one of her friends at Lake Powell. We had rented a couple of kayaks to take out on the lake to go explore Antelope Canyon. We were in the car after our adventure, with the top down and music cranked up pretty loud. We were singing and to be honest I probably wasn’t paying much attention to how fast I was going. All of the sudden I felt an energy with me. I knew it was spirit by the tingles and chills in my legs because that’s how I typically feel spirit. I also pretty quickly got a sense that it was my dad. (Usually when I know who it is right away then it’s that soul, if I don’t know who it is then it’s typically A soul or spirit that doesn’t belong to me ). My dad had passed away when I was twelve years old and since I had opened up intuitively, had only made his presence known to me a few times. I said to the girls oh, my dad is here and I remember my daughter saying how do you know it’s him? I said, I just know. This knowing is called claircognizance. It’s the ability to just know something without knowing how or why you know. I said to the girls that the message I was getting was to slow down and pay attention to the road. I had been going pretty fast so I slowed down a bit and was now more focused. As we came around a bend, a huge boulder was blocking my view so I couldn’t see the road ahead until I actually went around it. But the minute I went around that boulder, the cars were literally stopped on the road because of an accident ahead. We could see lights flashing and knew there was some sort of accident on the bridge ahead. If I hadn’t received the heads up that I got from my dad and didn’t trust my intuition that these messages were real, we would have come around that boulder at about 80 miles an hour and would’ve slammed right into the cars that were stopped. As our car came to a stop I said, that’s why my dad popped in and gave me that message! I looked at my daughters face and then I looked in the rear view mirror to see her friends reaction and both their mouths were open and they were stunned. They couldn’t believe what they had just seen! I laughed and we drove on. I trusted my intuition on every level that day and it paid off! Over the past few years since that happened I’ve noticed my dad will let me know he’s with me only when there’s an actual reason and I need a reminder to pay attention. Most of the time he only lets me know he’s with me when I’m on a road trip or traveling. So fast forward to today as I was driving on the highway and I felt a strong spirit come in. I immediately felt it was my dad, but then I second guessed myself and I wasn’t as confident In my knowing. So I asked him to show me a sign to allow me to know without a shadow of a doubt that it was him! I also asked that he show me a visual sign because I’m practicing my clairvoyance (the intuitive ability to see spirit energy). As I continued to drive, I was trying very hard to get the visual message I wanted and was expecting. I was trying so hard but after About a minute or so I gave up because I wasn’t getting any message. Up ahead I noticed the traffic was slowing down as if there was an accident. I slowed down and almost came to a stop and noticed some flashing lights on the right shoulder. I drove past and saw a few police cars. I laughed out loud and said wow, I wasn’t expecting an actual, literal visual sign! The message came through loud and clear! I got complete validation that it was my dad, and another heads up to focus and pay attention. But it was also a stunning display of spirit teaching me that we cannot expect. I was expecting the sign to come through in a specific way, how I wanted it to come through, but it came through completely different! Then as I drove on I started to understand the bigger message and teaching for me. My dad was always my teacher when he was alive and still is, in spirit. More recently, I’ve had some of my best masterclasses with him. In our human lives sometimes we expect things to go the way WE want them to and when it doesn’t, we experience frustration and sometimes even anxiety and more. The trick is to let go of expectation and control of how we want things to happen and just let things flow the way they’re going to. The minute we have expectation we are setting ourselves up for frustration and limitation. Sometimes those frustrations and the pressure we put on ourselves can lead to anxieties. It’s great to have goals. You can set the intention and the goal but then you have let go of HOW you will reach that end goal, because it’s not always going to go the way you want it to or think it’s going to.

The law of detachment states:

“In order for us to manifest our desires, we must release attachment to the outcome itself as well as the path we might take to get there.”

When you can let go of the outcome you will feel more in the flow and at ease. You will be more open to possibility and abundance and ultimately be in better alignment. What is alignment you ask? Maybe that’s another blog post!

The moral of this story:

It is ok to want something and ask for it but

let go of the attachment of HOW something is going to show up. It’s great to set the goals and have intentions but surrender and trust the process and allow it to go the way it’s supposed to. Being open to receive, will allow opportunity to present itself in different ways. Expectation and resistance will slow you down.

Laura Anthony Schwartz

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Laura Anthony Schwartz, CLC
Founder of National Self Care Day
 Creator of The Power Technique​

Photos by Laura A Schwartz

© 2021 by LS Coaching

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