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New Moon Manifesting Ritual

Updated: Jan 19, 2023

The new moon manifesting ritual is the opposite of a full moon release ritual. We do this ritual at the new moon (up to 48 hours before and 48 hours after), when the energy is ripe in the universe to ask for what you want. First and foremost, you will want to clear your space energetically with sage or palo santos or whatever works best for you as far as smudges. You can tell all negative energy that may be lingering to leave your space by saying, there’s only room for positive energy here, this is a space of unconditional love and light. All negative vibrational and all energies not supporting my highest good are OUT through the doors or windows. It is done, thank you. (Be sure you have a window or door cracked open a bit so they have a way out.) After you have cleansed your space, light a candle to represent the light on the darkest night of the month. Then you can proceed with writing your intentions, goals and manifestations on a piece of paper. Write them down as if they have already happened. If it is a health issue you want improved, you would write it as specific as possible. For example: I am pain free in my foot, and I am walking easily. I am free of inflammation in my hand, or I am healthy and have an abundance of energy. If it is a thing you are attracting, then you would write it as if you already have it. Example: I have received my new home and I am so incredibly happy waking up in it. Again, if the universe knows specifically what you want, then it’s easier for the universal energies and your spirit guides to come in to help you reach that goal. After you’ve written your goals and desires down, you will fold the paper towards you (to help bring the lunar manifesting energy in). As you are folding the paper, now would be a great time to say how grateful you are to the beautiful New Moon energy, your guides, the universe, source, and any other angelic ethereal energies that are supporting your desires. Believe, and envision your desires coming to fruition. If you don’t believe that you can have these things you desire, and you don’t feel that you’re worthy of having them, how is the universe, source energy, or your spirit guides going to believe you? Allow yourself to embrace how this manifestation makes you feel. This emotion that it makes you feel is so important because this is the vibration you are sending out to the universe, which has to match up to what you desire. Does this make you feel excited, confident, joyful? Most importantly, do your intentions and goals align with your souls purpose for being here? The more "on path" you are to aligning with what your soul desires, the smoother things will go for you in order to receive what you are asking for. If you have tried manifesting something and it hasn't gone very smoothly, and you keep hitting roadblocks, that just means that its not something that is aligning with what you truly are meant to be doing. Take a step back and look at any patterns that keep re-occurring in your life. If you notice any, then ask yourself if you are learning the lessons from it. If something continually is a struggle, then maybe its time to change things up a bit and try something different. But take the lessons with you and apply them to the next situation, and break those patterns. After you have finished, you have a few choices of what to do with your written manifestations. Some people like to hold onto their paper and re-read at a later date or you can just put it next to your bed. You can also burn the paper to release to the universe. I actually like to place my manifestations on my current vision board or where I sit in the morning when I’m getting ready for my day, so I can be reminded daily of my goals. Both the full moon release rituals and the new moon manifesting rituals work in conjunction with one another. It is important that every two weeks you are using the best energy that’s been given to you by the lunar cycles to start the flow of energy, and to keep the momentum going. Typically you need to clear a path, ( release rituals) to be able to bring these desires in, (manifesting rituals). The deeper you can go with your releasing the better. Meaning, if you emotionally declutter the things that are really holding you back in your life, (fear, doubt, etc) and you are open to making some mindset shifts to allow for your path to open up, the more easily your manifestations, synchronicities and signs will come to you from the universe. How is anything you ask for going to come in if there’s no open path for it to get to you. Trust the universe and trust yourself that you have the ability to consciously create the life you want, but it does not come without a willingness to let go of old habits, patterns and the necessary actions and thought processes that may need to be addressed. You have to be honest and willing to dig deep for movement. But if you stick to the process, and practice every two weeks regularly, with the help of the energy from our beautiful celestial moon, you will start to see the signs, and feel the energetic movement and shifts in your life!

Happy New Moon Manifesting!

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Laura Anthony Schwartz, CLC
Founder of National Self Care Day
 Creator of The Power Technique​

Photos by Laura A Schwartz

© 2021 by LS Coaching

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