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Meditation: 5 ways you can incorporate it into your busy life

Updated: Aug 20, 2023

Meditation is the number one thing on my list for pretty much accessing anything you want in your life. Better mental health, better physical health, and accessibility to hearing your own intuition (spiritual health), and better productivity and creativity are just a few important ways it can help you. I have actually reversed osteoporosis in my bones with a combination of things but meditation was at the forefront of my healing. At times, when I ask someone if they meditate, I get a very common answer of..I don’t have time, or I don’t know how, or even that they just can’t because they can’t clear the thoughts from their head to be able to. We are only human and our brains are firing at all times. Try not to be so hard on yourself. Meditation is just a way to slow it down for a bit. It’s not about resisting thoughts or controlling them. It’s more about letting the flow of the energy of the thoughts to come and go, noting them as they come in and letting them go out, to allow the energy to pass through you and not get stuck. So many people use excuses because they think meditation is so difficult or that they just can’t do it, or that it takes too much time out of their day, which is just a belief, it’s not the truth. If you cannot take 5 min out of your day for your own well being, then you are not giving yourself the gift of putting yourself first. Many people think that putting their self first is selfish. Well, here’s your reminder that it’s actually not. You HAVE to put yourself first to be your best for you first, then everyone else that you want to be there for! When I was growing up I think I was conditioned by society to think meditation was something that only the elite woo woo spiritual seekers do. Like it was some weird thing that anyone of us non woo woos weren’t qualified to actually do. First of all, personally, I feel that the term “woo woo” has such a negative judgmental connotation in my head. A lot of people associate the woo woo term with people that are heavy into the spiritual world and that dress a certain way or even act a certain way. Well, I’m living proof that just because I am into spiritual practices and live a spiritual life that doesn’t mean that my whole persona screams woo woo! I’m just a regular mom who’s been enlightened on the fact that we have a whole energetic existence that comes along with every single living and actually non living thing that has ever existed! But no one would know this about me by just looking at me. Ok anyways, my point being, meditation isn’t woo woo. It is so mainstream now, that if you are not meditating, then it’s time you try the new modern day approach to meditation. Modern, meaning, fitting it in to your busy lives. Meditation doesn’t have to be this big huge ordeal that takes up so much time in your daily life. It’s really about making it a new habit that you schedule in to your day. It’s so worth taking 5-10 minutes to meditate if it’s going to boost your productivity for the day, right? Even a quick 5 minute mindfulness exercise is meditation. I think meditation is an umbrella term for so many different kinds and styles of mindfulness and just being cognizant of using the vibrational energy we have wisely. The definition of mindfulness is 'The quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.' Simply interpreted as focusing ones awareness on the present moment. If you are new to meditation and don’t know where to start. There are many you tube videos of different lengths, different styles. Try one or more of these various styles of meditation to see which resonates with you.

Here is my list of the top five kinds meditation easily incorporated into your daily routine:

  1. Guided meditation: There are many short or long guided relaxation meditations on YouTube that can easily be found.

  2. Silent meditation: You can still listen to relaxing sound or frequency while doing a silent meditation. You’re just not being guided verbally by someone else.

  3. TM: Transcendental meditation. This meditation goes a bit deeper and is about 20-25 minutes. No guidance no music, but using a mantra gently guide you to a restful state of mind. You can find this meditation at

  4. A walking meditation: This meditation helps you to be mindful when walking and moving. You can find many walking meditations on YouTube as well.

  5. Breathing exercises: Breathing techniques that help your mind to be calm and relax in the moment, bringing you back to center. They help you to be mindful in the moment.

Meditation and mindfulness apps:

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Laura Anthony Schwartz, CLC
Founder of National Self Care Day
 Creator of The Power Technique​

Photos by Laura A Schwartz

© 2021 by LS Coaching

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