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INTUITION: 6 Tips to Develop your Clair's

Updated: Sep 15, 2023

Intuition is an umbrella term for so many different extra sensory intuitive abilities. They are a form of perception that goes beyond rational and logical thinking. They all involve the sixth sense. Intuition is often described as a "gut feeling" or "inner knowing." Some forms of intuitive abilities are mediumship, channeling, telepathy, telekenesis, and remote viewing. There are so many more abilities, but here are a few ways that our intuition speak to us through our Clair’s, or psychic senses. Developing your Clair senses can help you make better decisions, tap into your creativity, and gain insights into various aspects of life. The Clair psychic senses refer to the ability to perceive information beyond the physical senses. The 4 main psychic senses are Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognizance and Clairaudience. There are more, but for right now, I explain these 4 abilities below, and give you tips on how to develop them.

Clairvoyance: Clear seeing This psychic sense is the ability to see energy and information that is not physically present. Some clairvoyants see spirit energy, while some see situations that may have happened in the past, some also see visions of the future. Everyone’s psychic senses are unique to that individual and each has different strengths in how they receive their psychic information. Letting go of “how” you will see something and just allowing whatever form to come through your minds eye is key. Clairsentience: Clear feeling. This psychic ability uses feeling through your nervous system. You may feel, chills, or tingles. It’s the ability to feel the past, present or future physical or emotional states of people, places, things, spirit and energies through your emotions. You can practice feeling if energy is positive or negative just by noticing how it feels in your body. Most clairsentients are empaths but sometimes don’t realize it and perceive others emotions as their own. Claircognizance: Clear knowing. This psychic ability is the ability to trust the information that you just know without knowing how you know. It’s the ability to receive future information, insights, and knowledge by purely trusting your thoughts without clear logical validation of how you know the information. Clairaudience : clear hearing This is the ability to hear without the presence of anyone or anything in a physical form with you. You are basically hearing a non physical energy.

HOW TO DEVELOP YOUR INTUITION: 1. Create space for quiet contemplation: Intuition often arises in moments of stillness and solitude. Set aside time each day for meditation, Breath work, mindfulness or reflection. This will help you calm your mind and create space for intuitive insights and psychic senses to listen. Holding high vibrational crystals with the intention of connecting to spirit, may help your intuitive abilities to ignite. 2. Trust and follow your instincts: Pay attention to your initial reactions and gut feelings in different situations. Notice sensations in your body and stay curious about them. Does something give you heaviness or pressure anywhere, or do you feel a lightness or tingle someplace in your body. Practice noticing them, trusting and following these instincts, even if they don't seem rational at first. Over time, you'll develop a stronger connection to your body which in turn will create your intuition to strengthen. 3. De-clutter emotionally: If there is anything that you've experienced in your life and haven’t yet processed and released the emotions from, this is important to do. Releasing any heavy negative energy from that experience or trauma is important to your intuitive journey. In order to receive intuitive information, there has to be a clear channel (your mind, body and soul) for the information to come through. If you carry around negative energy from past traumas it will block your intuition. They can also create patterns of behavior or even repeated illness or physical symptoms in your body if the are not released. There are various ways that you can energetically release stuck emotions from your body. Reach out to me if you’d like further information on how to do this. 4. Practice mindfulness: Allow time each day to be in the present moment. Even washing the dishes can be a mindfulness practice. Focus on how the water feels. Dies it feel cold or warm. How does it flow over your hands, smoothly and gently or is your sprayer on your faucet spraying the water forcefully pelting your hands? Get as descriptive as you can with the sensations you feel. 5. Journaling and self-reflection: Keep a journal to record your thoughts, feelings, predictions and intuitive hits. Reflecting on your experiences can help you identify patterns, themes, and recurring intuitive messages. This can also give you a clearer understanding of your own intuition. It will help you to let go of any doubt that you are in fact getting correct intuitive information. 6. Trust the process: Developing your intuitive abilities is a journey that requires patience and practice. Trust that your intuition will guide you in the right direction and be open to the lessons and growth that come with it. Remember, intuition is a personal and subjective experience. It may manifest differently for each individual. Stay open-minded and flexible as you explore and nurture your intuitive abilities. Love and infinite gratitude, Laura

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Laura Anthony Schwartz, CLC
Founder of National Self Care Day
 Creator of The Power Technique​

Photos by Laura A Schwartz

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