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How Negative Self-Talk Affects Your Immune System: 6 Ways To Shift To A Healthier State of Being

Negative self-talk can indeed have a great impact on your body's immune system, because thoughts are energy. If a thought is energy, then a negative thought is negative energy and vice versa, so then, a positive thought is positive energy. If you say things like, I’m so stupid, or I’m so ugly, or even if you think or say, I’m so forgetful, you are attracting negative energy of that same vibration, and you are giving your body negative energy by means of your thoughts. Your brain hears it, and your body follows suit in how it behaves, and what energy it attracts. Most people don't realize that your body will actually respond physically to too much negative energy mentally, and that it may show up as, aches, pains, headaches, chronic illness, and a plethora of other symptoms over time. Your body is constantly speaking to you. Its up to you to listen to it, and give it more of what it wants, which is usually more positive attention, love and compassion. In order to establish new ways of thinking and speaking to yourself, it takes time and practice. In this process of developing new ways of thinking, I learned that you can create new neuro-pathways in your brain that can lead to new thought patterns and new healthier ways of thinking. When I was re-training my brain to think more positively, I picked the opposite of what my negative thoughts were, and wrote down 10 positive affirmative thoughts on a piece of paper. I carried that paper with me and when I found myself starting to get in a negative thought loop, I had the paper handy to read, and I replaced those thoughts with the positive ones I wrote down. Some days I would stop myself almost every hour! In one week, more positive thoughts were coming so easily to me that I didn’t need the paper anymore and I realized I had already created new neuro- pathways and a more positive and healthy mindset all around. I also started seeing and feeling a difference in the energy I was attracting. I was attracting more positive energy to me. My intuition started getting stronger and more synchronicities appeared in my life. As my body started to feel healthier, I realized that I had actually raised my vibration and created an energetic shift in my inner world that was also having a direct affect on my outer world, or reality, and I was able to manifest and create a new physical reality just because I changed the way I thought about myself. The results of positive self-talk proved to me that you are in control of your own energy, health, mind, energetic body, and physical body, and that you can transform yourself and your immune system to a healthier state by just changing the way you think.

Here are 6 tips on how to cultivate a more positive mindset and maintain better health: 1. Practice self-awareness: Start by becoming aware of your negative self-talk patterns. Notice when you're being self-critical or engaging in negative thoughts about yourself. Recognizing these patterns is the first step toward changing them. 2. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones: Once you've identified negative self-talk, challenge those thoughts and replace them with positive and affirming statements. For example, if you catch yourself thinking, "I can't do this," replace it with, "I am capable and strong." Some other positive affirmations are as follows: I am calm, I am in control, I am confident, I am creative, I am open minded to all possibilities. I am beautiful. I love myself. 3. Surround yourself with positivity: Surround yourself with positive influences, whether it's supportive friends and family, uplifting music, inspiring books, or motivational podcasts. Fill your environment with positivity, as it can greatly impact your mindset. If you have negative people around you, then you have the choice to remove yourself and create your own time and space for your wellbeing. 4. Practice self-care and stress management: Engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. This can include exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and engaging in relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. Taking care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually can boost your immune system. 5. Foster gratitude and mindfulness: Being in a gratitude mindset, by appreciating the little things in your everyday life. Practice mindfulness, which involves being present and fully engaged in the present moment. Both gratitude and mindfulness can shift your focus away from negativity and increase your overall well-being and actually strengthens your immune system. 6. Practice accepting compliments. This was difficult for me at first, because, for most of my life I deflected a compliment by saying something negative about the thing that was being complimented, or I did something nice for the person complimenting me. But rarely did I just say thank you and just accept it. But I learned that, in acceptance comes worthiness as well. So in order to build that self worth up and to re-enforce the beliefs that we are worthy of the compliment just for the mere fact that you were born, you must practice accepting it and truly agreeing with it in your mind. You are worthy because you were born! You don’t have to do anything to prove your worth. Just accept that you are, and you’ll start to shift your mindset and energy to a healthier state of being. A hack to re-enforce any compliment given to you, is to say yes I am, in your mind. This is a powerful affirmation for practicing self-love which strengthens your whole body! Remember, changing negative self-talk patterns is a process that takes patience and practice. By incorporating these tips into your routine, you can cultivate a positive mindset, create new neuro-pathways in your brain, reduce stress, and promote a healthier immune system. I created the STOP, DROP and ROLL Technique to help you get in the habit of changing a negative thought to a more positive one. Here’s how you can use it to help you create a new thought habit.

Love and infinite gratitude,



Laura Anthony Schwartz, CLC
Founder of National Self Care Day
 Creator of The Power Technique​

Photos by Laura A Schwartz

© 2021 by LS Coaching

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