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10 Tips to Align your mind, body and soul and restore balance and harmony in your life.

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

When life gets tough and you feel like you’ve been knocked off balance mentally, physically and emotionally, there are exercises you can do that can help restore balance and harmony to every aspect of your life and being. These practices are meant to bring peace back into your world.

  1. MEDITATION: Meditating brings back balance, peace and harmony to your body on so many levels. Set the intention of your goal. “I am restoring calmness in my mind”. Set aside time in a quiet spot or in a peaceful spot in nature. Sit in silence or put some headphones on and put the 528hz frequency of love on. It brings calming energy in and elevates your mood.

  2. BREATHWORK: Breathing exercises like Box Breathing, or a class like BreathworkDetox ( reduce stress and restore balance in the body even after just a few minutes.

  3. SELF-CARE PRACTICES: Self care is NOT selfish. It’s necessary these days. There are so many types to choose from so all I’m going to say about it is to pick something that brings you complete joy. From a pampering salt bath to watching a sunset to spending time with someone who makes you feel uplifted. It is about bringing positive energy into your body and raise your vibration. Check out my 30 day self Care challenge on this website. Go to National Self-Care Day page and click on the 30 Day Self-Care Challenge!

  4. START A GRATITUDE JOURNAL: Start writing in a gratitude journal every morning. Write at least one thing a day for a month. This in itself is very healing, but I challenge you to give gratitude to a situation in your life that has caused you a lot of stress. This is where the perspective shifts start to happen. Once you can truly give thanks to these types of situations, you start to realize why they happened for you in the first place. This practice helps to raise your vibrational energy and the frequency you emit out. Because everything happens for you, not to you.

  5. RELEASE EXERCISE: Release what no longer serves you. Write down 1 or more negative emotions that you’d like to release from your life that do not serve you anymore. (Anger, guilt, jealousy, regret, worry, fear, etc). Fold the paper away from you 3 times. Find a safe place to burn the paper. Intention is everything, so believe that you are letting this negative energy go from your mind/body as the paper burns.

  6. TAKE A WALK/HIKE IN NATURE: Walking by yourself, with a friend, or even in a group. Movement and nature is a fantastic combination that raises you vibration, cleansing your mental state of mind and and energizing your physical body.

  7. ESTABLISH BOUNDARIES: Saying no, without guilt, is necessary when working on on releasing stress from different aspects of your life. It’s is important to understand that you don’t have to do everything for everyone! The response is usually what we worry about from the people we don’t want to disappoint. But their reactions are for them to figure out, not you.

  8. PRACTICE AFFIRMATION MINDSET HACKS: Replace 1 negative thing you say about yourself with one positive. Say that positive thing OUT LOUD to yourself for 1 week. (This is tougher to do than it sounds) Example: I look like crap is replaced with, I am beautiful or I am handsome.

  9. STOP PEOPLE PLEASING: People pleasing will eventually catch up with you and either your mental health or physical well being will be sacrificed. Being kind is one thing, but worrying about what people might think of you if you say no, will eventually become exhausting. Look within and practice letting go of guilt or any other reason you may be people pleasing.

  10. RELEASE TOXIC AND NEGATIVE PEOPLE FROM YOUR LIFE: If you are around negativity for too long, it will start to affect you and your health. If you can not remove them completely then minimize your time with them considerably, and protect your energy from them. Click on this link to check out this game changing energy protection hack you can start today!



Removing products from your life that have harmful chemicals in them and replacing them with natural products will not only make you feel better, it will allow your body’s natural vibration to be restored. In turn, when you vibrate higher, you just feel better! This applies to beauty products and cleaning products as well as foods that have been treated with chemicals. The more that you can replace with organic goods, the better!


Giving yourself a break from your phone, computer, TV's and any other electronics is not only great for your mind and body, but essential for your eyes to have that time off. Your brain will actually work better by having some time to reboot and restore with a healthy outdoor activity like walking, before heading back to the screens!

Love and Infinite gratitude,


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Laura Anthony Schwartz, CLC
Founder of National Self Care Day
 Creator of The Power Technique​

Photos by Laura A Schwartz

© 2021 by LS Coaching

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