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About Laura Anthony Schwartz

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  • Certified Life Coach CLC- Life Purpose Institute. 

  • Member of International Coaching Federation

  • Certified in stress management 

Hi, Im Laura. I have the gift of strong intuitive abilities which have guided me to help others. I have learned throughout my career as a mother and entreprenuer that you cannot always control the circumstances around you but you can always control the way you respond to them. I am a certified Intuitive Personal Development Coach. I received  my CLC through Life Purpose Institute in San Diego, Ca. My experience comes from a lifetime of actual challenges that I successfully navigated through to find my path and purpose in life. Who better to guide you than someone who can relate and has exercised the tools and techniques that need to be applied to hurdles we all face? I am 57 and was married for 30 years. I have a 25 year old daughter that I have learned the most from. I've experienced a multitude of obstacles including but not limited to a death of a parent at a young age, separation, an accident in  which I had a a long recovery from a severe concussion, loved ones with anxiety, depression and a variety of other illness's. l I have had to start completely over in life, multiple times. I am inspired by nature and travel and I am always challenging myself to be the best version of me. I appreciate a good concert with great music. My hobbies that re-fuel me include photography, hiking and watching a sunset. I love a good empowerment challenge as well! I always strive to be my most authentic self. I will never give a client a tool to use or guidance to do something that I have not tried myself. Through my exploration of self awareness and personal growth I realized how critical self care is, hence why I created National Self Care Day. It has opened up the door for me to learn how to meditate and be mindful, which have become truly valuable tools, and a vital part of my life. In recent years, my self care adventures have allowed me to discover that I have the unique ability to bring human and spirit together for the highest good of all, thus incorporating mediumship into my practices. Throughout this website you will find what inspires me and empowers me as well. Thank you for being a part of my journey.

 "The only thing you can control is how you react to things out of your control "

Laura Anthony Schwartz, CLC
Founder of National Self Care Day
 Creator of The Power Technique​

Photos by Laura A Schwartz

© 2021 by LS Coaching

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